Welcome to another one of our free soap recipe pages. This page features some rather exotic and complicated recipes made with oatmeal, shea butter and mango butter, avocado oil, sunflower oil, shea butter, macadamia oil and more. This page also contains a couple of very simple soap formulas that I am sure you will love. The free soap recipes on this site are 16 ounces which is perfect for a blender batch of soap. Like all of our recipes these can be doubled, tripled or quadrupled and can be made using the cold process method in bigger containers than a blender. You can also alter the formulas or create your own using our Soap-Calc Spreadsheet Program. We hope you enjoy both the complicated and simple soap recipes on this page. For instructions refer to the instructions on the left. We cover standard cold process and blender soap making methods. If you prefer video soap making lessons you can Click Here. Also, if you like soap making then you may also want to consider making your own Spa Products as well.
Oatmeal Soap
8 ounces palm oil
4 oz coconut oil
4 oz sunflower oil
1/4 cup regular oatmeal (blend before adding)
2.3 ounces lye
8 ounces distilled or rain water
Blend oatmeal and sunflower oil separately. Mix lye/water solution with Palm and Coconut oil and blend to a trace. Add oatmeal/oil blend and continue.
Simple Soap
16 ounces of vegetable shortening (Crisco)
2 0unces of lye (sodium hydroxide)
6 ounces rain or distilled water
Oat Flour and Honey Soap
6 oz Avocado oil
4 oz Coconut oil
6 oz Olive oil
2 oz Palm oil
2.6 oz Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
7.2 oz Rain or Distilled Water
At trace:
1 Teaspoon Honey
2 Tablespoons Whole oat flour
3/4 Teaspoon Honey Almond FO
Easy Oatmeal Bar
8 ounces of Palm Oil
6 ounces of Coconut oil
2 ounces olive oil
1/3 cup oatmeal well blended
2.4 oz Sodium Hydroxide (lye)
6.4 oz water
Hawaiian Soap
13 Oz. Lard
3.2 Oz. Soybean oil
6.4 Oz. Water
2.1 Oz. Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
At trace, add:
1/2 ounce kukui nut oil
1/2 ounce macadamia nut oil
1 Teaspoon castor oil
1/2 ounce shea butter
1/2 ounce mango butter
1 Tablespoons coriander EO
1 Tablespoons tumeric (for color)
Vegetable Soap
10 Ounces Olive Oil
4 Ounces Coconut Oil
4 Ounces Crisco
2.5 Ounces Lye
7.2 Ounces Soft Water